Rhestr Perfformwyr Cymru

Contrary to popular belief, the process of registering onto the Welsh Performers List is not a lengthy one – a streamlined process has been put in place to ensure there are no delays in you joining us in Wales to work!

There are different processes for dealing with applications from performers wishing to practice in Wales, dependent upon whether they are already included in the Medical Performers List of a Primary Care Organisation (PCO) in the UK or if they are new or returning to general practice in the UK following an extended absence of 2 years or more.

Apply for inclusion on the Welsh Performers list

3 month grace period

Once you have applied for inclusion in the Welsh Medical Performers list, if you are a doctor already included in a Medical Performers List of a Primary Care Organisation in the UK, you are able to commence working in Wales whilst your application is being processed.

Doctors included in the List of a Primary Care Organisation applying for inclusion in Wales (Regulation 4A applications).

If a performer is registered with another PCO in the UK and wishes to apply for inclusion in the List of a Health Board in Wales the applicant will be asked to complete a short application form, produce an original enhanced criminal record certificate (less than 3 years old) and provide evidence of appropriate medical indemnity.  The performer will also be asked to give consent for the NWSSP to undertake further checks with their host PCO (ie confirmation that satisfactory clinical references have been provided, details of the applicant’s medical qualifications and professional experience).  Upon receipt of this documentation and consent form the applicant will be granted provisional inclusion in the List of the appropriate Welsh Health Board for a period of 3 months whilst further checks are undertaken.  This streamlined process (which was introduced in Wales in March 2016) allows for the processing of complete applications within 5 working days but is very dependent upon the timely return of reference etc.

Doctors applying for inclusion in a Welsh Performers list after an absence of less than 2 years

Doctors applying for inclusion in the Performers List of a Welsh Health Board will be required to complete a full application form and return it to the NWSSP-PCS for processing together with an enhanced DBS certificate (undertaken within the preceding 6 months), evidence of appropriate medical indemnity and consent for the NWSSP-PCS (on behalf of the relevant Health Board) to contact any employer or previous employer, licensing or regulatory or other body for information relating to any current investigation or any investigation where the outcome was adverse, the names of two referees that are able to provide clinical references etc. Performers in this category are unable to work in Wales until all checks have been undertaken and the application for inclusion in the Performers List has been approved by the relevant Health Board. Again, this process is very dependent upon external bodies retuning information in a timely manner but we aim to finalise such applications within 8 – 10 weeks.

Doctors returning to Wales following an absence of 2 years or  more.

Doctors returning to Wales after a period of absence from the UK of 2 years or more, or doctors who have not worked within the NHS GP practice setting for more than 2 years may be asked to undergo refresher training.  In such instances, a copy of the applicants C.V. will be sent to the Director of Postgraduate Education for General Practice who will give a clinical opinion as to the necessity for refresher training.

If the Director of Postgraduate Studies considers a period of refresher training to be appropriate the doctor will be signposted to the ‘Induction and Refresher Scheme’, which is run by the GP National Recruitment Office (based in Edgbaston, Birmingham) for England and Wales. An assessment will be undertaken, the results of which will determine the duration of the required training. Placements in general practice can last between 3 – 12 months. At this stage the performer will be asked to complete a full application form and all necessary checks will have to be successfully completed before inclusion in the Medical Performers List can be considered. Where induction or refresher training is required the performer will be conditionally included in the Medical Performers List (i.e. the condition being that their practise is restricted to the GP training practice with which they have been placed and that they will successfully complete the GP Returner Scheme). If the performer successfully completes the course the conditions will be lifted and the doctor will be able to provide unrestricted services but if the performer is not successful, the Health Board can take steps to remove the doctor from its Performers List.

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